Ariana Slome
Ariana Slome is an artist who was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. Ariana has dedicated her life to learning and teaching art. Outside of working in the fashion industry, Ariana has volunteered with organizations such as Project Sunshine and most recently Coach Art; helping children with chronic illness to learn the joys of creating art. As an adult who has dealt with chronic health issues, Ariana felt it was important to share her passion for art to a community that she deeply related to. After being bed bound for four years due to her own health issues, she felt the need to use art as therapy and a new path for healing. Ariana is a passionate artist who plans on continuing her studies and artistic endeavors in France this Summer for the second year in a row to study embroidery with the prestigious Ecole Lesage in Paris.
About the Collection
Ariana’s debut collection, “Shred of Femininity”, is an homage to the process of making something new out of something that's broken; to rebuild after destruction. The concept of reworking damaged and discarded pieces to make something beautiful is a remark on the ability she has to make something positive regardless of what life has given her.
After the unexpected and tragic passing of Ariana’s brother, she found herself inspired to use her grief to create art. Ariana’s brother gave her her first skateboard. Some of the broken dishes in her creations were once used for the meals they shared together. There are pieces of China that came from her Grandmother as well who sadly passed away in the beginning of 2021 after a long battle with Alzheimer's.
The juxtaposition of broken fragments of ceramics, porcelain, sculptures, fine China and sweet pastel colors all carefully placed together, to form a new found beauty in the broken. We all have parts of us that are broken, missing or damaged and we all go through life putting the pieces back together to become whole again. This collection is dedicated to his memory and rebuilding their memories together